Emotions are meant to be felt.

Feeling one's emotions, fully and honestly, is becoming more and more uncommon nowadays. We self-medicate ourselves with distractions and addictions in order to not feel something we do not want to feel eg. loneliness, love, pain, loss and sadness.

Running away from our emotions can be detrimental to our mental health.

It is important to acknowledge and feel what we truly feel emotionally and find ways to express it in healthy ways. That way it does get bottled up and repressed. This can cause one to participate in unhealthy emotional expressions such as rage, violence and self-harm.

Emotions are meant to be felt. It is part of being human.

For the longest time, I was constantly running away from the feeling that "I was not good enough" and that "I was not successful enough". I would constantly keep myself busy by doing more work to "fix" this negative feeling of mine. However, it only got worse that way. It was only when I started to spend more time by loving myself, giving myself the rest I needed, time to focus on other aspects of my life other than work, setting boundaries to stop working, that I slowly started to feel more "successful" and happy with myself. I started to slowly feel that I am enough with all my imperfections and all the things that I have "not yet achieved."

a) What is one emotion that you constantly keep running away from? What is it that you do not want to feel?

b) How can you give yourself the feelings that you want to feel today? Eg. I want to feel loved so I will treat myself to my favourite drink and create a feeling of love for myself. Eg. I do not want to feel lonely so I will journal and attend a Zoom online Meetup to create the feeling of connection for myself.

Have a good weekend everyone.